Largest Local Advertising Company in the US – Case Study
Largest local advertising company in the US uses Massini Group’s managed sales acceleration solutions to increase renewal sales per agent per day by 212%
The largest local advertising company in the United States uses a very large internal telesales team to sell print directory and online directory services to small businesses within an expansive national footprint. At the point in time when Massini Group engaged with this client, each location, sales team and agent operated independently in an effort to meet sales goals. The task was to supply a holistic managed sales acceleration solution to the team in order to predictably drive sales efficiency and results.
Twenty years of benchmark and best practices data were used as the foundation for a comprehensive review of the operations of the telesales team via a workflow review, time motion studies and proprietary analyses of 18 months of call history. Massini Group’s leading indicator metrics are predictive measurements of sales cycles in progress that are driven by specific aspects of the sales operation. They are derived from 20 years of analysis of sales workflows and their associated call history and sales results.
Among the findings: 46% of all dials were placed against targets that were not followed up; 23% of records researched were not dialed; agent dialing activity averaged less than 50% of best practices rates. All of the above resulted from nonexistent workflow standards.
Although the company had a stated strategy to utilize as its primary sales
platform, schedule delays caused telesales leaders to seek a rapid telesales process
prototyping platform. Massini Group launched a new cloud based sales acceleration platform at 10+ sites in 2 months, replacing all of the systems used by the team except the internal order entry platform. Instantly, best practices workflow, outbound queue management, call dispositioning and real-time sales metrics became available.
Sales leaders used real-time leading indicator metrics to organize and manage standardized workflows, set goals and follow-up on activity and performance metrics and develop team wide skills development initiatives.
Within the context of the print directory production schedule, sales leaders were able to direct the efforts of large teams of managers and agents in a manner that they had never previously had available to them. As a result, renewal sales efficiency went up by 212%.
All of those agents used their leftover time to drive acquisition sales and, as a result, began to grow the business for the first time in a long time. The resulting change in net sales was unprecedented (the client asked us not to share the specifics, but we can assure you that they are compelling.)