Meet Our Leadership Team
Todd Lincoln
Director of IT and Applications
Todd has worked in the computer industry for over 20 years and has extensive experience in application architecture, database programming, infrastructure management, quality assurance, and process lifecycle.
Prior to Massini Group, Todd was one of the original BBox members and a co-founder at Agaso. Both companies specialized in building data-intensive e-commerce, customer tracking, and aggregated online reporting web applications.
In 1998 Todd was presented with the opportunity to work with Massini Group to create a web application that allowed clients such as StorageTek, Dell, and Hewlett Packard to analyze and measure the success of direct marketing campaigns. Following the tracking application, Todd worked on an on-line resource center for HP followed by Massini Group’s first Telemarketing Response Center (TRC) for the American Express European team.
Todd now leads a team of engineers and developers at Massini Group that have implemented many applications and database processes that allow streamlined business processes, and stakeholder visibility to marketing data and results. In addition to this, Todd is responsible for all Massini Group IT strategies and support.
Outside of work, Todd spends his time with family, friends and his dog Lucky enjoying the outdoors, swimming or playing basketball. Todd is also extremely devoted in his church and volunteers at the local Food Bank.