Data Services


You have probably received a dozen emails this week offering different systems, platforms and tools to allow you to take your business to the next level. You have also probably seen a dozen commercials or articles that discuss the latest diets, pills or exercise equipment that will solve your health woes.

Massini Group offers its clients blueprints for healthy data management and helps them utilize the tools and data feeds that they already have in place. There is no magic tool, subscription service or data source that will solve your issues. Much like good health requires regular exercise, a balanced healthy diet, and continual strategy adjustment based on your needs, proper data health requires you take ownership of your environment. Massini Groups exists to empower its clients by helping make their tools and data work for them and not the other way around.

Multi-source List Integration

It is common for our clients to license data from sources like Dun and Bradstreet or other large data aggregators. We also often see companies in the B2B space try to supplement this data with other third-party providers to gain additional insight to “new businesses” or other subsets that vendors claim that the big guys miss. There is undoubtedly added value from these types of providers from both a net new lead perspective as well as from an additional attribute perspective, but if they are not evaluated for their incremental value you will likely overspend and duplicate efforts.

Massini Group will help you understand the relative value of these sources, prior to acquisition, and in some cases work as a 3rd party to help broker a deal that will allow you to only pay for what is truly incremental. This allows you to save money as well as build the steps required to append incremental data to the existing source eliminating duplicative targeting efforts and multiple instances of data within your organization.

Data Services